Caring for your Diabetic Feet

Feb 13, 2024
Diabetes can have a significant impact on foot health, increasing the risk of complications such as neuropathy, poor circulation, and foot ulcers. Every diabetic needs a yearly screening with their foot specialist.

Diabetic Foot Care: Tips for Preventing Complications

Introduction: Diabetes can have a significant impact on foot health, increasing the risk of complications such as neuropathy, poor circulation, and foot ulcers. However, with proper care and management, many of these complications can be prevented.

Understanding the Risks: Diabetes can damage the nerves and blood vessels in the feet, leading to reduced sensation and circulation. This can make it difficult to detect injuries or infections, increasing the risk of serious complications such as foot ulcers and even amputation.

Importance of Regular Foot Exams: Regular foot exams are essential for detecting any signs of trouble early on. Your podiatrist can perform a comprehensive foot exam to check for issues such as neuropathy, poor circulation, and foot deformities. They can also provide guidance on proper foot care techniques and recommend appropriate footwear.

Daily Foot Care Routine: In addition to regular foot exams, it's important for people with diabetes to practice a daily foot care routine. This includes washing and drying the feet thoroughly, inspecting the feet for any cuts or sores, and moisturizing dry skin to prevent cracks and fissures.

Preventing Complications: To prevent foot ulcers and other complications, it's important to take proactive steps to protect your feet. This includes wearing properly fitting shoes and socks, avoiding walking barefoot, and keeping the toenails trimmed and clean.

Conclusion: By taking proactive steps to care for your feet and working closely with your healthcare team, you can reduce the risk of complications and maintain good foot health despite diabetes. If you have diabetes, be sure to prioritize foot care and schedule regular check-ups with your podiatrist to monitor for any signs of trouble.


To schedule a screening for your foot health please call 323-843-3668 or schedule online at